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Hard Gel Manicure (Single Color)


1 小 30 分鐘
450 港元
2/F SHOP 201B Melbourne Plaza, 33 Queen's Road Central, Central, Hong Kong


Hard Gel Manicure (Single Color) 硬凝膠修甲(單色)的包含步驟: 清潔指甲:首先,用溫水和肥皂清潔雙手,去除污垢和油脂。然後,用指甲油去除劑或去脂劑擦拭指甲表面,確保指甲完全乾燥。 打磨指甲表面:使用磨甲器或指甲打磨條輕輕磨砂指甲表面,增加硬凝膠的附著力。注意不要過度磨損指甲。 底層塗抹:塗抹一層薄的硬凝膠底層液在指甲上,避免涂到指甲周圍的皮膚。將手指放在專用的LED或UV燈下,按照指示時間固化底層液。 形狀塑造:使用硬凝膠建模工具,輕輕塑造指甲的形狀,如平頭、方頭或圓頭,以符合個人喜好。將手指再次放在燈下固化。 上色塗抹:塗抹一層所選的單色硬凝膠在指甲上,確保均勻且不會溢出到指甲周圍的皮膚。使用細小的刷子或彩繪筆修正任何不整齊的部分。將手指放在燈下固化。 頂層封釉:塗抹一層薄的硬凝膠頂層液在指甲上,增加光澤度並保護指甲顏色。將手指放在燈下固化。 去除殘留物:使用專用的無酮溶劑或硬凝膠去除劑,輕輕擦拭指甲表面,去除任何殘留物或黏性感。


美甲部分:遲到1-10分鐘會減少美甲程序,遲到11-15分鐘只能做單色並減少部分程序;(美甲程序大概需要時45-90分鐘不等,如要畫公仔,複雜款式,或者結婚甲請提前註明,並增加足夠的時間); 美睫部分:修補或需卸除睫毛重做睫毛不設遲到!!!!!新做睫毛允許遲到15分鐘內,14天之後不提供睫毛修復服務); 脫毛部分:允許遲到20分鐘內,但不能24小時內取消! 以上服務項目取消或更改預約需提前至少24小時,遲到不能超過15分鐘包括15分鐘;否則會視為已享受服務並扣除相應的金額或沒收訂金;最多只能預約30天,相同的項目不能預約多個或重複距離較近的時間。以免影響其他有需要的客人預約; Manicure part: If you are late for 1-10 minutes, the manicure procedure will be reduced. If you are late for 11-15 minutes, you can only do single color and reduce part of the procedure; (The manicure procedure takes about 45-90 minutes. If you want to draw dolls, complex styles, or Please indicate your wedding date in advance and add enough time); Eyelash Beautification: No late arrivals for repairs or eyelash removal or eyelash re-doing! ! ! ! ! New eyelashes are allowed to be late within 15 minutes; (If there is severe hair loss, eyelashes will be repaired for free within 7 days. For example: new eyelashes will be made on Tuesday this week, and the latest free repair time will be next Monday; no eyelash repair service will be provided after 14 days); Hair removal part: late arrival is allowed within 20 minutes, but cancellation cannot be made within 24 hours! Cancellations or changes to reservations for the above services must be made at least 24 hours in advance, and late arrivals cannot exceed 15 minutes inclusive; otherwise, the service will be deemed to have been enjoyed and the corresponding amount will be deducted or the deposit will be forfeited; reservations can only be made for a maximum of 30 days, and reservations for the same items cannot be made Multiple or repeated times that are closely spaced. So as not to affect the reservations of other guests in need;


  • 2/F SHOP 201B Melbourne Plaza, 33 Queen's Road Central, Central, Hong Kong

    +852 6822 6393

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